Frequently asked questions

Can I use GumballPay payment gateway on any website?
Payment gateways and merchant accounts are much like bank accounts in the level of compliance that must be carried out. You will need business and director information, KYC & AML checks, legal checks (you cannot have any convictions), bank statements and proof of addresses and possibly business plans.
What will I need to have and show in order to get a payment processor?
Payment gateways and merchant accounts are much like bank accounts in the level of compliance that must be carried out. You will need business and director information, KYC & AML checks, legal checks (you cannot have any convictions), bank statements and proof of addresses and possibly business plans.
Which payment providers can I get paid?
Payment gateways and merchant accounts are much like bank accounts in the level of compliance that must be carried out. You will need business and director information, KYC & AML checks, legal checks (you cannot have any convictions), bank statements and proof of addresses and possibly business plans.
Why is your payment gateway is so secured?
Payment gateways and merchant accounts are much like bank accounts in the level of compliance that must be carried out. You will need business and director information, KYC & AML checks, legal checks (you cannot have any convictions), bank statements and proof of addresses and possibly business plans.
Can I use GumballPay payment gateway on any website?
Payment gateways and merchant accounts are much like bank accounts in the level of compliance that must be carried out. You will need business and director information, KYC & AML checks, legal checks (you cannot have any convictions), bank statements and proof of addresses and possibly business plans.

Do you have any other questions?

Please contact us, we are ready to support

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